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Let's Make Some Noise.

We have a problem. And it starts with how quiet everyone is about a problem that affects so many people, so many children, and has so little being done about it.​

Reality hurts, so what?

Why are we comfortable talking about superfluous, worthless subjects, consuming uncountable hours of meaningless entertainment and sharing ridiculous content but we are so vastly uncomfortable talking about reality, the problems our community faces, and the pain that countless children endure, right here where we live, and where we sleep? The answer is that distraction is most people's choice to endure their own realities.

But the sad thing is, distraction does not help us improve our realities, nor the realities of anyone else, including these children, that out there, enslaved, trapped, abused, and abandoned. And if WE don't start MAKING SOME NOISE, who will?


Follow us on social media, but not to only watch at a distance. Get your hands dirty, help us spread the word, help us fundraise, help us make a difference, because every moment, and every effort counts. For us, and for the children out there, every moment matters. We have an incredible sense of urgency, every moment, in every day, and so should you. TOGETHER is the only way we become bigger than the problem and gain strength and resources to do what it takes to bring these children off of the streets and out of the hands of predators and provide them a safe place to heal. #JOINTHEFIGHT 



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Volunteer Opportunities.

We work with very delicate situations and the children and teens require help from trained staff. As we grow and increase our fundraising efforts so we can open our drop-in center 24/7 and to build a home for these children and teens, we will also have more volunteer opportunities in different areas of our work.


If you want to help, please apply below. Please fill out an application and one of our team members will contact you soon. 

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